Schools are required to keep accurate daily attendance records for all students.
Attendance records need to show if students either:
- attended school
- participated in an education program
- did not attend and the reason for the absence.
Parents/carers should advise the school of reasons explaining any absence as soon as possible, including in advance if applicable. You can advise the school of absences in the following ways:
- Online Absence Form
- via email to
- via Connect
- by sending a written note to the classroom teacher
- calling the school office.
The Department of Education requires that the school enters details explaining any absence onto your child’s student record. Please note that “away” or “absent” is not enough information and the absence will be marked as unexplained without additional details.
By phone
Call the school office on 9266 6400 and provide details of any absence.
A note to the teacher
Forward a written note to your child’s classroom teacher outlining the date and reason for absence.