The Banksia Park Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) has an extensive history of exceptional parent involvement and enjoys the support of an active parent and community network. The P&C is a school-based organisation consisting of parents, staff and interested citizens. It aims to enrich the work of the primary school through collaboration between the school community and the principal, staff and students. With a focus on fundraising and keeping our strong community spirit alive, volunteers facilitate a range of school and community events throughout the year.
Aim of the P&C
The Banksia Park Primary School P&C seeks to provide an open and inclusive environment where parents and members of the community can:
- have the opportunity to learn about the school’s policies and programs
- support the school executive and teaching staff
- discuss ways in which to promote the interests of the school and its students in the wider community
- raise additional funds to facilitate extra resources for the school
- promote and facilitate social events for the school community.
The P&C meet twice a term in weeks 3 & 7 on a Monday evening 7:15pm in the Staff Room. The first meeting of the year will be the AGM at which all office bearer positions become available and are open for nomination.
If you are interested in becoming a P&C committee member, please email
P&C Contact Details
General Enquiries –
P&C President –
P&C Secretary –
P&C Treasurer –
P&C Fundraising –
Canteen –
Uniform Shop –
P&C postal address: 2 Hicks St, Leeming WA 6149
The canteen will be open on Wednesdays and Fridays only. The menu and information on how to order from the Canteen is available here.
Canteen information is often updated through the P&C Facebook page. All families are encouraged to follow this page for the latest information from the P&C.
Volunteers are always needed and greatly appreciated. Please visit the canteen if you can help or contact us here.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open fortnightly from 8:30am to 9:00am through each term. Alternatively, orders can be place via and your order will be delivered to your child’s classroom. For more information about uniforms and the school uniform shop please click here.
Meetings and Membership
P&C meetings are a forum for parents and citizens to contribute and discuss issues that relate to the school in an environment of respect, focused on the best outcomes for our school, students and the community. There is a standing open invitation to the entire school community, where we actively encourage everyone to attend. It is a great way to find out first-hand what is happening around the school.
The P&C functions best when supported by a sizeable number of members of the community. The P&C encourages all parents and members of the community to come to the meetings to hear about activities at the school, the Principal’s Report, ideas for future fundraising and to learn a bit more about the behind the scene activities being held at Banksia Park.
Parents, carers and citizens have to become a financial member of the P&C in order to vote at meetings. Membership is by gold coin donation and entitles the person to vote at meetings. Join us by completing an online membership form here.
Membership forms can be scanned and emailed to or placed in the P&C mailbox in the school office. You can follow the P&C Facebook for the latest news and events.