Assessment and Reporting

Reporting Requirements

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority has established the reporting requirements for all schools in Western Australia. Schools report formally through end of semester reports distributed at the end of term two and term four each year. At Banksia Park Primary these reports are distributed online through Connect. Printed copies are available by request through the school office.

Teachers will also keep you informed of your child’s progress and development throughout the school year. Parents/carers are encouraged to contact their child’s classroom teacher regularly as students are best supported when we work together – particularly if you have any questions, concerns or if there is information you can share that will assist your child’s teacher to support your child more effectively.

For further information, you can contact the school at any time.

PAT (Progressive Achievement Testing)

Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) are standardised assessments, developed specifically for use in schools. At Banksia Park we currently use these standardised tests as applicable to specific year levels to assess students’ mathematics, reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and grammar and punctuation. Each PAT is administered online.

PAT assessments are administered in term 4 annually. Each PAT has an achievement scale that broadly demonstrates the level of knowledge and skills a student is working at, and can be used to track student, class, and year group progress over time. Using scaled scores to measure increases in student knowledge and skills can indicate students’ strengths and identify areas of need. Student progress can be compared to a nationally representative sample by converting test scores to stanines.

Ed Companion

Ed Companion is a software resource that supports, connects and empowers everyone involved in a child’s school journey. It uses wholes school, classroom and individual data to provide real-time insights into student progress and performance. At Banksia Park this powerful AI resource helps us to provide a personalised teaching and learning journey, assisting teachers to adapt content, assessments and pathways for each student, supporting improved student outcomes.


The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, and has been undertaken by students across Australia since 2008 (excepting 2020 when it was cancelled due to implications of COVID 19).

The assessments are undertaken nationwide, and as of 2023 this will occur in March. Each assessment is delivered online with the exception of the Year 3 writing test which remains a paper test across Australia.

NAPLAN is made up of tests in the four areas of:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Numeracy
  • Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation)

More information can be found through the following links:

NAPLAN NAP – For parents and carers
My School