Why choose Banksia Park?

At Banksia Park Primary School, we strive to instil a love of learning, focusing on the potential of each individual child. We believe this generation of learners needs to be adaptable and able to transfer their knowledge and skills across all areas of the curriculum. They need opportunities to engage collaboratively and think in critical and creative ways, using imagination, innovation and problem solving. We recognise and value the whole child, developing each student’s academic, physical, social, emotional, and creative skills within an inclusive and engaging learning environment.

Strong Relationships and Partnerships

Our school motto “Friendship and Knowledge” provides a platform for all we do. We are well known for our strong community spirit and safe, supportive learning environment, ensuring positive school connections and a sense of belonging for all.  Our School Board and Parents & Citizens Association are highly visible and actively engaged, ensuring our school is highly regarded and central to our local community. All this makes Banksia Park a great place to work, learn and grow.   

Learning Environment

The school grounds are well maintained and very inviting, surrounded by natural bushland and native gardens that showcase the Kangaroo Paw, our school floral emblem. It is not unusual to see an array of native wildlife with birds, reptiles, quendas and kangaroos on our school grounds. We value our bushland setting and the natural environment it provides, and as you would expect, we work hard together to care for and protect it for a sustainable future.   

We have excellent facilities across the school supporting the teaching and learning program. Classrooms are divided into three air-conditioned teaching blocks. A fourth teaching block houses specialist teaching areas including Visual Arts, Japanese, Music and the school Library. Our Library is well resourced and provides an engaging and functional learning space for students. It also houses our computer lab. Banksia Park classrooms are all equipped with interactive smartboards, access to desktop computers and iPads that support the teaching and learning program.

Our dedicated Performing Arts area includes a large, air-conditioned stage and undercover area along with a green room for our school band, providing excellent facilities for whole school performance events. This space also houses our very popular school canteen which currently operates two days a week, providing healthy and delicious lunches, conveniently ordered through an online ordering system.


As an Independent Public School our staff possess a wealth of expertise in primary education. One teacher currently holds Level Three status and over half the teaching staff are recognised as Senior Teachers. All teachers undertake a curriculum leadership role and work collaboratively, with student needs at the foundation of all decision making. The professionalism of our team is enhanced through this collaborative style of leadership, underpinned by deep reflective practices. Banksia Park strives for constant improvement, with ongoing self-review processes informing all aspects of teaching, learning and school operations.

Quality Teaching and Learning

Banksia Park Primary School provides an engaging curriculum, differentiated to meet student’s individual needs. Plan, teach, assess cycles are evidence based and teaching strategies incorporate research backed excellent practice. Our staff are highly experienced, creating a very positive, nurturing learning environment in close partnership with parents and carers.


Along with access to a range of classroom instruments including the recorder, marimba, xylophone, ukulele and much more, the making of music is thoroughly embedded in our school ethos. 

Physical Education

As an active school, students at Banksia Park participate in regular school and interschool events. Swimming lessons along with an opportunity to come together competitively for our annual swimming, athletics and cross-country carnivals compliment the range of sporting experiences available to students. Various incursions such as dance and yoga broaden physical skills further. Excellent school facilities including tennis and basketball courts, cricket nets, oval and fitness track, ensure there are many opportunities for students to develop their physical skills and be active.

Visual Arts

Our outstanding creative visual arts program enjoys an excellent reputation, engaging student’s creative skills from the early years and building developmentally year on year. Students demonstrating a high capacity in this area are further supported through an art extension program. 


Our languages program teaches Japanese. An annual dress up day and Japanese assembly along with extra-curriculum student activities including Taiko drumming and Anime Club are just some of the opportunities provided to build student understandings of the language, culture, histories and traditions of Japan.  

Student Services and Pastoral Care

Student learning is supported by an expert student services team including School Psychologist, Chaplain, Deputy and Principal. High standards of behaviour are maintained throughout the school using inclusive and positive management strategies. These support and encourage students to take personal responsibility and embed our school values of Learning, Excellence, Equity and Care into our everyday practices.

Student Leadership

Our vision is to build a connected community to support the growth and development of each individual. A range of leadership opportunities are provided to develop skills such as responsibility, organisation, cooperation and problem solving. Through an enriching and inclusive environment, our students are supported to develop lifelong skills for a productive and positive future.

Contact the school office to arrange a tour, meet our professional and friendly team and see for yourself the outstanding learning environment provided for all students at Banksia Park Primary School.