Banksia Park Primary School has an outstanding music program incorporating an extensive instrumental program along with a comprehensive specialist classroom music program. This classroom program is provided in our Music Room resourced with an extensive range of classroom musical instruments including recorder, ukulele, xylophones, marimba, boomwhackers, cymbals, djembe, maracas and much more. Our engaging learning program is focused on developing students’ skills, knowledge and understandings in making and responding to music.
Students use voice, movement and classroom instruments to learn and consolidate the elements of music. Their skills and understanding are expressed through various forms of performance opportunities including:
- assembly items
- whole school events
- our annual music showcase.
Senior Choir is an extension opportunity for enthusiastic singers to work together in a more specialised environment, developing a performance level of repertoire. Our aim is to develop vocal skills while experiencing the joy of singing together. Performance projects include school assemblies, ANZAC DAY, Harmony Day, Graduation and the annual Music Showcase.
Banksia Park also participates in community festival events such as the Massed Choir Festival and One Big Voice.
Students in years 4 to 6 are invited to participate in the Senior Choir. It is a privilege to be in the school choir and it is expected that those children selected will attend all rehearsal sessions and participate in all performance projects until the end of the year as part of their commitment to being in the choir.
The Choir rehearses weekly on Tuesday afternoons during school time, so participation will involve withdrawal from student’s usual classroom program. At times students may be required to catch up on tasks by their classroom teacher.
All children participating in choir must:
- maintain a good standard of classroom and playground behaviour
- maintain an acceptable standard of class work as determined by their class teacher.
Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS)
Our extensive music program is also supplemented through IMSS (Instrumental Music School Services). Selection into this program is based on musical aptitude testing and other criteria. If your child is selected, this outstanding program provides free instrumental tuition and the opportunity to participate in a range of music enrichment activities including Band outlined above. Peripatetic teachers offer instruction to selected students at Banksia Park from Years 4-6 on Brass, Flute and Clarinet.