At Banksia Park Primary School we highly value our relationships and partnerships. We have a wonderful school community that works together to support our students in many ways. Each classroom has a parent representative whose role is to support the class however they can. Parent representatives provide a connection between families in each class and can be a great resource if you would like to be more involved in our school. They support communication and information about the many things happening every day. They are always ready to lend a helping hand or at the very least point you in the direction of someone who can assist.
Below is a list of the 2024 Parent Reps for each class.
Area 1 – Bilbies – Tash Ewart
Area 1- Joeys – Angela Law
Area 2 – Deleeni Bye
Area 3 -Bryony Loller
Area 4- Tamara Sparg
Area 6 – Louise Hookham
Area 7 – Carly Pickering
Area 10 – Daniela Niv
Area 11 -Carly Mouritz
Area 12 – Shannon Davis
Area 13 – Rebecca Chan
Area 14 – Abby Conlon
The parent community at Banksia Park also have a Facebook page exclusive to parents and families of students at Banksia Park Primary School. This is a private page run by parents, for parents. Simply type into the Facebook search bar ‘Parents of BPPS’. You will be asked a few simple questions to verify your link to the school. Once connected you will have access to useful school information, the opportunity to ask questions as well as build connections with other parents from the school. For more information or any queries please contact the P&C Parent Representative, Melisa Hudson –