Official Opening of the Library Upgrade!

I am very excited to share the news that stage two of the library upgrade has been completed. Works saw the construction of stud walling to create a separate room in the library space to house our digital resources. We are thrilled with this new learning zone and will now begin working towards the final stage of this project in which we will aim to provide new furniture and computers to complete this new facility in our school. 

A huge thank you to the P&C who funded construction for this amazing new space with their donation. This large amount of money was possible through the generous support of our school community over several years, so we’d like to extend our appreciation to everyone who assisted in both big and small ways supporting school fundraising efforts.  

To celebrate our P&C in National Volunteer Week, all parents and community members are invited to visit the Library on Friday 19 May from 2:45pm – 3:15pm to see the finished product that all your fundraising dollars have contributed towards. Mr Foreman will open the space officially at 2:45pm. All are very welcome to join us and see this wonderful new space for a few minutes at the end of the day.  

Mrs Serena Gosnay – Principal